Monday night raw is back! Not that it went anywhere however for the first time in a long time it felt that Raw was the premier show. Raw kicked off with Triple H in the ring calling for Seth Rollins, giving almost fatherly advice, that he is now the top target.
Trips announces that there will be two triple threat matches and the winners will face off against each other in the main event to decide who faces Seth Rollins at Money in the Bank. Samoa Joe makes his way to the ring and giving a great promo stating he lost his invite to raw last week but he is here now and his other shoulder is wide enough to carry the universal title. Joe is followed by Rey Mysterio who announces that he will be in the triple threat and has unfinished business with Joe.
Rey is interrupted by Drew Mcintyre who states that Seth only beat Brock because he (Drew) did not get to him first. Followed by Drew The Miz comes out solidifying that he is a changed man. The Miz is interrupted by Baron Corbin who goes through his normal spiel of his accomplishments. Baron Corbin is the dominant heel on Raw. As more people boo it just feeds into this persona that Baron has really taken a hold in. Baron attire even though non conventional is fitting. I would like to see him change up the attire or at least come out with a vest with something more than a Liars Club patch. Baron is then interuppted by The Phenomenal A.J. Styles. Styles cuts a promo on Baron and proceeds to face Joe and Rey in their triple threat.
So as it stands there is two faces and one heel in the first triple threat. A truly amazing match by 3 very talented athletes. Styles eventually gets the win after a power bomb to Rey on top of Joe to a Styles Clash. Styles pins Joe and wins the first triple threat. A very strong way to start raw and it is followed by Billie Kay vs. Naomi. Naomi gets the win with a very nice sunset flip to Billie Kay, however this segment makes both women look good, Billie for her promo and Naomi in the ring who is usually very consistent. But the Raw women’s division is very thin and hopefully she is not pushed aside. The second triple threat begins. A 17 minute match that Baron ultimately steals a win after Drew is pushed out of the ring after delivering a Claymore kick to the Miz. Even though The Miz took the pin he put on a showcase unveiling a new arsenal of moves and really making improvements to his ring stamina. The Miz can have a huge face run as the crowd was behind him the entire match.
There is a Styles promo back stage cut on Corbin showcasing Styles accomplishments which very much out weigh Corbin’s. Sami Zayn comes out and continues to air his frustrations and frustrations with the WWE Universe. Sami can be a great heel but this is not the way, there needs to be someone he can show his heel prowess in the ring. Mediocre writing for someone who should be far ahead of his status in WWE. We have Cedric Alexanders debut on Raw vs. the returning Cesaro. Clearly a last minute decision as there is no change in Cesaro entrance from The Bar. This seems to be the end of The Bar however Cesaro gets the win over Alexander. If built correctly Alexander could become a huge face if they go with the angle that he is smaller but isnt scared and adapts to the bigger talent. The Uso’s have a great promo and it appears they will feud with the Revival. The next match is Becky vs. Alicia Fox. This is a botch filled and terrible match. Becky trying hard to put something together but Alicia either acting or actually seems to be under some influence and the match is told to go home early. Lacey Evans hits Becky with a Women’s Right. Bobby Roode has an interview and announces that he is now Robert Roode and has an amazing new mustache. Roode gets a pinfall over Ricochet and leaves us with a little taste of his clearly new heel run. This is exciting as Roode is a great heel hopefully not to be lost in the shuffle. We finally are introduced to Bray Wyatts Firefly Funhouse. Bray is looking in the best shape that he has ever and as always kills everything he is given hopefully this leads to a big push as he is one of the most underrated performers. The main event ends with Styles getting a pinfall over Baron and we have a stand off between Styles and Seth. This will truly be a great match at Money in the Bank that everyone should be looking forward to. A Raw that should not have been missed one of the better Raws really in the last year.